Megyn Kelly | COVID Vaccines | "I Regret Getting the Vaccine. For the First Time I Tested Positive for an Auto Immune Issue." - Megyn Kelly + "The Pfizer Vaccine Reverse Transcribes & Installs DNA Into the Human Genome."
Trump Vs. The Oligarchic System | "Donald Trump Was a BIG SHOCK. It Was the First Time of the Oligarchic System That Happened By Accident. The Process Which Are Dealing Now, This Plandemic Was Supposed to Happen In 2016." - Călin Georgescu
Me drumming live to a trip hop/coffeeshop playlist - FIRST TIME LISTEN AND PROFESSION OF LOVE AMONGST STACCATO RHYTHM - 3:10ish PM to around 4:20 PM on January 9th, 2025.
Marina Abramović | How Do You Correctly Prononounce Marina Abramović? Marina Abramo-Witch | "I Was Just So Happy That He Said the Name Exactly Correct (ABRAMO-WITCH), It's the First Time It's Happened Today." - Marina Abramović