Child Trafficking in Africa, Breeding Programs, Witchcraft + Why Do So Many Children Go Missing? What is Happening to Them? + Oprah and Other Celebrities
The Scale of the Betrayal is Very Difficult to Comprehend and to Process + Relationships with God, Many of the People Currently in the Darkness will Come to Know Christ
The Winslows and The Sullivans, High Level Masons Brought in to Build Chicago, Specific Designs, DUMBs, Trafficking + Technology to Track People From Their Fingerprints in Real Time, There is No Hiding From Spirits
The Sacred Heart of Mary, Girls Either Enter the Breeder Program or They're Used for Sacrifice + The Seed of Cain, Godhood, Encouraged to Spread Their Seed As Much as Possible
Justin Bieber Where Are Ü Now Music Video Decode, Strawberries, Clowns, Carousel Program, Jessie's Childhood Circus Gorilla Story + Calling Out Various Names + Advertisement for a Smocking Party, Pedophilia, Very Disturbing
Justin Bieber Where Are Ü Now Music Video Decode, Smocking, Adrenochrome, Birthday Ritual, Teeth and Skulls, Satanic Symbolism + So Many Images, Too Fast to See Them All, Subliminal Programming
The First Blasphemy, 1 of 5 Branches of the System, First Taught that They're Christian But Then Vocalise that God is not the Only God, Seed + Anderson Cooper is a High Priest in the Luciferian Brotherhood (and so was his Brother Carter)
The Heartbreaking Apathy of Christian Churches + A Change of Strategy is Required, Put Information Out into the Public Domain for All to See & Hear and Raise Awareness
Adrenochrome, Jessie's Experience, Highest Levels of Witchcraft + Alchemy and Herbalism, Body Parts, Brain Chemicals + Effects and Procurement of Adrenochrome