MIT AlterEgo | What Is MIT's AlterEgo Project? Why Are Yuval Noah Harari, Klaus Schwab, Elon Musk, Xi Jinping Are Encouraging the Use of Brain Chips & Brain-Computer Interfaces? "You Do Not Even Have to Have ELECTIONS ANYMORE." - Schwab
Dr. Ana Mihalcea joins Maria Zeee to discuss silicone and other transhumanism synbio materials found in the COVID shots and human bodies during surgery, discussing how this relates to brain hacking, behaviour and body control of humans.
Emerging Technologies Towards IoNT and 6G's Biological Layer ~ A Biologically Inspired and Protein-Based Bio-Cyber Interface for the Internet of Bio-Nano Things
Yuval Noah Harari | “On the One Hand, the Emergence of the New Upgraded Elite, of Super Human, Enhanced By Bio-Engineering & Brain-Computer Interfaces And Things Like That. And On the Other Hand a New Massive Useless Class."
Yuval Noah Harari | "Direct Brain Computer Interfaces...Adding to the Body a Second Immune System Which Is Not Organic, But An Inorganic Immune System Made Out of Millions of Tiny Nano-Robots Inside Your Body." - Yuval Noah Harari