7 years agoValentine's Day Aurora & A Bright Region Says Goodbye: Solar Storm Forecast 02-15-18Dr. Tamitha SkovVerified
6 years agoA Coronal Hole Sandwich with a Side of Aurora: Solar Storm Shortie 09-04-2018Dr. Tamitha SkovVerified
7 years agoPockets of Aurora & Boost in Solar Flux: Solar Storm Forecast 11-16-2017Dr. Tamitha SkovVerified
4 years agoA Filament Slingshots Towards Earth | Solar Storm Forecast 02.22.2021Dr. Tamitha SkovVerified
5 months agoSchool Shootings: Is America Desensitized or Just Unwilling to Act? The Jeff and Bill ShowNews/Talk 710 KNUSVerified
1 year agoSun Diving Comet Vaporized - Heavy Snow Possible for New Mexico & Colorado - COP28 FailureRolling With You
6 years agoNew Chance for Aurora Even as Brightness Dims: Solar Storm Forecast 08-09-2018Dr. Tamitha SkovVerified
7 years agoDark Coronal Hole Brings Bright Aurora: Solar Storm Forecast 11-09-2017Dr. Tamitha SkovVerified
3 years agoA New Sunspot & More Aurora while A Mars Helicopter Preps for Flight | Space Weather News 04.05.2021Dr. Tamitha SkovVerified
1 year agoUS (United States) Hydraulic Elevator - Waverly Centre (Myrtle Beach, SC)STFElevatorsandEscalators
1 year ago2005 Thyssenkrupp ISIS Traction Elevator at 112-116 South Main Street (Mooresville, NC)STFElevatorsandEscalators