BRICS | As of Jan 1st 2024, BRICS Doubled In Size, Russia Takes Over the BRICS Presidency, 30+ Countries Look to Join BRICS+ In 2024, BRICS+ Represents 45% of the World's Population, 28% of the Global Economy & 44% of the World's Crude
Yuval Noah Harari | "AI Is In the Bank. You Apply for a Loan. It's Increasingly An Algorithm That Decides Whether You Get the Loan Or Not. You Apply for a Job. It's An Increasingly the AI Making the Decision." - 10/30/2024
Yuval Noah Harari | "A Letter from St. Paul to His Discipline Timothy, Which Most Scholars Agree Was Forged In His Name. In Which Paul Says Women Should Not Take Any Leadership Positions In the Church." - 10/30/2024
Dollar Collapse | "Just Since the Beginning of the Biden Administration the Cost of Living Is Up 30%. I Think the Entire Banking System Is Insolvent." - Peter Schiff (4/29/2024) Putin Seizes $440 Million from JP Morgan
Business | "Clay Clark Has Helped Us to DOUBLE the Size of Our 30-Year Old Church In Less Than 2 Years. Having Clay As a Mentor, Clay Coaches Me Through Processes and Systems. They Take Care of All of Our Graphics, Ads, etc." - Pastor Goins