2 months agoI AM Come to Impart the Ray of Resurrection to Your Hearts—Express the Light of Christ to AllThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified
2 months agoMagda Comes in Support of Jesus' Soul-Raising Sessions with Her ComfortThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified
15 days agoAscension Revelations: Keys to Your Enlightenment and Self-RealizationThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified
1 year agoThe Elohim and Hierarchs of the Elements Come to Invest a Great Light into Our WorldThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified
5 days agoThe Mystery of Co-Creation and the Sacredness of the Divine Arts and Sciences of LightThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified
1 year agoKuthumi Emanates Kindness as an Antidote to Violence and WarThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified
1 year agoDissolving the Collective Planetary Pain Body through Perfect LoveThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified
3 years agoResolve Your Psychology for Love and Affection to ReignThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified
1 month agoAuthor Talk: Ascension Revelations at Mystic Journey Bookstore, Santa Monica, CAThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified
1 year agoOmri-Tas and Govinas: Our Lessons of Light from the Violet PlanetThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified
9 months agoArchangel Michael Comes to Save America and the Souls of Her PeopleThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified