1. A young man brings a gold bag as a gift for his girlfriend but

    A young man brings a gold bag as a gift for his girlfriend but

  2. An unemployed young man returns to the village and opens a medical

    An unemployed young man returns to the village and opens a medical

  3. A top assassin has endured the agony of countless snake bites, although

    A top assassin has endured the agony of countless snake bites, although

  4. 12 Is Shanghai shooting a valid style of shooting? Any thoughts or tips?

    12 Is Shanghai shooting a valid style of shooting? Any thoughts or tips?

  5. 7 Does my draw length vary with differing slingshot band weights / tapers?

    7 Does my draw length vary with differing slingshot band weights / tapers?

  6. 22 Slingshot release / release aids. Are they worth it? Are they cheating?

    22 Slingshot release / release aids. Are they worth it? Are they cheating?

  7. 32 SEASON 4 FINALE: Like archery, should I start slingshot shooting small and light then work up?

    32 SEASON 4 FINALE: Like archery, should I start slingshot shooting small and light then work up?

  8. 27 I get on a great slingshot shooting streak, then miss. How can I fix this?

    27 I get on a great slingshot shooting streak, then miss. How can I fix this?
