I dont want the holier than thou Watred Down Fake Indoctrinated "Christians" On My Channel Either! They Have Already Wasted Enough Of Everyone's Time With Their Kumbya Jesus Is Comming Talking Points!
Alex Jones & Co'intel PAYTRIOT$ Playing Drama Based Mind-Control Games - While We Are Continuing To Provide Education With Documented Proof Everytime! .
The more you tell them not to subscribe the more they seem to want to 😅 6K For Psinergy On Odysee - We are going to double the numbers this year co'intel has fully exposed themselves 🤐
The AI powered Metaverse using holographic type communication, not only in Health Care but for education & tourism too. Seems Ian F Akyildiz wants to lock everyone up in a virtual/Metaverse game. AI for good or a panopticon digital prison?!
Ian F Akildiz Is Telling You How In His Global PANACEA Architecture (IoBnT) You Can Be Re-Programmed (DUAL USE) And Killed! - Listen Real Close 1h 11 min Mark!
B.C. CANADA: Liberal Minister for Mental Health and Addictions @YaaraSaks supports prescribing fentanyl to children without parental consent as part of the so-called “safe supply” experiment.