The Role of 6G Technologies in Advancing Smart City Applications: Opportunities and Challenges Sustainable Urban and Rural Development 2024 (SMART HEALTHCARE)
I.T.U. United Nations Telecommunications Union, Ian F. Akyildiz 5G-6G-7G (THE E.M.F. TERRORISTS) 👈 What The PFIZER "Lawfare" (PSYOP) People Don't Want YOU Looking At!
This is for those showing the blood microscopy and spectroscopy because this document lays out the routing, aggregation and signal propogation of Thz nano networks in situ.
Dr. Bige Deniz Unluturk - 10/06/2023 - Molecular Communication Platforms at Multiple Scales "Thanks to synthetic biology, we can engineer living cells as biosensor devices and thanks to MEMS &nanotechnology"