CAUGHT: DOJ Knowing Put Witnesses on the Stand to Lie During the J6 Oath Keepers Trial - Steve Baker; Mob of Black Teens Fatally Attack White Teen - Lt. Randy Sutton (Ret); We Just Caught the Feds Putting Innocent Americans on Watchlist &
Remember folks, YOU CAN DECLINE! - DeSantis Bans Lab-Grown Meat, Opposition to President Trump - David and Stacy Whited; American Airports are Taking YOUR Biometrics; Economic Update - Dr. Kirk Elliott; The Cuomo Brothers | The Breanna Morello Show
PUTIN & TUCKER | The Economic Implications of the Putin Interview - David Whited; Citizen Free Press Headlines - Breanna Morello; Joe Biden TOO Senile for Criminal Charges - Greg Price; I'm Suing the Department of Veteran Affairs | The Breanna Mo