Adorable rescued baby baboon interacting with caretaker
Orphaned baboons look after each other
Adorable rescued baby baboon wants to investigate the camera
Adorable orphaned baboon wants attention
Wild baboons try to run away from the rain!
Orphaned baboons enjoy free time in the wild
Adorable rescued baby baboons groom each other
Bathing a baby baboon is not the easiest thing in the world
Rescued baboon recovering from being abused as a baby
Rescued baby baboon grooming time!
Adorable rescued baboon loves to play in the water!
Baby baboon playing in the sand
Adorable baby baboon has the hiccups
Rescued baby baboons having fun
Rescued baboons go for a walk
Rescued baby baboon just wants to rest but gets picked on
Rescued baby baboon is too adorable
Rescued baby baboon grooms caretaker
Young rescued baboons enjoying some free time in the wild
Hanging out with a rescued baby baboon
Baby baboon games: falling off a tree!
Rescued baby baboon adorably eating an apple
Rescued baby baboon will melt your heart!
Rescued baby baboons playing