FOC Show: URGENT UPDATE: Important Dates You Need to Know - Bo Polny; New thriller movie is a must-see for all Christians! - Nefarious Directors & Sean Patrick Flanery
Business | "The Linear Workflow for Us & Getting Everything Out On Paper & Documented Is Really Important. Seeing That Mapped Out On Multiple Different Boards Is Awesome. It's Priceless." - Ryan Wimpey
U.S. military, female soldiers receive a double dose of Covid vaccination at the same time - 2 doses at a time. Some fainted and foamed at the mouth - And you think the military wouldn’t FORCE JAB us Citizens??
Kamala keeps chopping up: "It's very important at every moment in time to see the moment in time in which we exist & are present & to be able to contextualize it, to understand where we exist in the moment."