3 months agoProphet Julie Green - Your Enemies Will Not Remain in the White House - CaptionsBelieve And Live!Verified
2 years agoSebs reacts to Do We Need 'Em | Snails | Dude Karl was kinda getting upset hahaSebsDuranVerified
3 years agoWeak and Powerless A Perfect Circle (Reaction!) | if you are an addict (which we all are), LISTENSebsDuranVerified
3 years agoBill Hicks Best 14 Bits (Reaction!) pt 3 | some of the best jokes I've ever heardSebsDuranVerified
2 years agoHarry Mack freestyling to Soulja Boy | watch how he uses spanish to rhyme, unexpectedSebsDuranVerified
2 years agoSebs Reacts to Bring Me The Horizon - Kingslayer Lyric Video ft BABYMETALSebsDuranVerified
2 years agoAnime Plot Challenge 1 | guessing the plot of anime shows from just the introSebsDuranVerified
2 years agoSebs Reacts to Maynard James Keenan's Art of Work pt 4 | The motivational speech I needed to hearSebsDuranVerified
2 years agoFirst time hearing Temple of the Dog - Say Hello 2 Heaven (Reaction!) | I am glad it was LIVE tooSebsDuranVerified
2 years agoBABYMETAL - NO RAIN, NO RAINBOW (Reaction!) | X-Japan tribute, beautiful messageSebsDuranVerified
2 years agoA Perfect Circle - The Package (Reaction!) | poetic in its imagery of us in the midst of addictionSebsDuranVerified
2 years agoKarl Pilkington's theories on ghosts/reincarnation will SHOCK you | Bid Lin, Lid Bin, yep (Reaction)SebsDuranVerified
2 years agoMonkey News with Karl Pilkington (Sebs Reaction!) pt 5 the mammal with the pointiest eyesSebsDuranVerified
2 years agoMonkey News with Karl Pilkington (Sebs Reaction!) pt 6 origins of the saying "monkey business?"SebsDuranVerified