3 years agoPainting the inside of the bus with a sprayer! | 1989 Crown Supercoach ConversionThe Beach Bum Bakery
3 years agoFinal Video | Moving Bus to New Home | Bye for Now | 1989 Crown Super Coach Skoolie ConversionThe Beach Bum Bakery
3 years agoBuilding and Hanging the Light Boxes | 1989 Crown Super Coach Skoolie ConversionThe Beach Bum Bakery
3 years agoBus Seats to Dump and Recycling | 1989 Crown Super Coach Skoolie ConversionThe Beach Bum Bakery
3 years agoWiring the Lights and Outlets in our Bus | 1989 Crown Supercoach Skoolie ConversionThe Beach Bum Bakery
3 years agoOMG! The prices of lumber is OUT OF CONTROL! | Material shopping for our bus conversionThe Beach Bum Bakery
4 years agoHow an internal combustion engine works | 1989 Crown Super Coach | SkoolieThe Beach Bum Bakery
4 years agoBus arrrives today | Bought over the phone | 1989 Crown Super Coach | SkoolieThe Beach Bum Bakery
3 years agoSanding and Taping Inside of Bus for Paint | 1989 Crown Supercoach ConversionThe Beach Bum Bakery
3 years agoChange in Plans | Simplifying our Design | Tools for Sanding | 1989 Crown SupercoachThe Beach Bum Bakery
3 years agoCleaning up the Dash Area | Taking out the Fans & Surveliance | 1989 Crown Supercoach ConversionThe Beach Bum Bakery
6 months agoPacific Fleet undergoes naval and coastal stages of special all-type support drillsdeNAZIfication - Special Military QperationZ WORLDWIDE
3 years agoIsaac's Birthday | Talking about the Lights in the Bus | 1989 Crown Super Coach Skoolie ConversionThe Beach Bum Bakery
3 years agoTurning the Bus Lights on for the First Time | 1989 Crown Super Coach Skoolie ConversionThe Beach Bum Bakery