COVID-19 Shots | "These Vaccines Cannot Work, They Will Fail & Are Failing." - Paul Alexander, PhD | "You Can Basically Do Anything With Synthetic mRNA.You Could Turn Someone Into a FREAKIN' BUTTERFLY If You Want to." - Elon M
Banking Collapse | EMERGENCY PODCAST | "FDIC Can't Handle This. The FDIC Insurance Fund Is 0.03% of Bank Deposits. $125 Billion of FDIC Liquidity Backing Up $9.5 Trillion of Deposits. If Just Two Banks Fail That's It. It's Gone."
Banks | Is Your Money Safe In the Banks? “Banks Too Big to Fail Are Being Backstopped by Govt While Rest of the Banks Will Be Bailed In.” - Schectman + Why Did Biden’s Chief Economic Advisor Bernstein Advocate for “Dethrone King Dollar?"