1. Reading of the 1560 Geneva Bible - Day 280 of 366 (1 Esdras 7-8) Season 2

    Reading of the 1560 Geneva Bible - Day 280 of 366 (1 Esdras 7-8) Season 2

  2. The Bible: Day 18- "God's Kingdom Has Come" (Psalm 10:12-18, Matthew 13:18-35, Genesis 36-37)

    The Bible: Day 18- "God's Kingdom Has Come" (Psalm 10:12-18, Matthew 13:18-35, Genesis 36-37)

  3. Don't Get Genetic Testing Without Asking These Five Questions

    Don't Get Genetic Testing Without Asking These Five Questions

  4. The Mighty Axes of Viking and Frankish Warriors A Look into Their Devastating Power

    The Mighty Axes of Viking and Frankish Warriors A Look into Their Devastating Power

  5. The year 827/The Danish Viking chief, Harald Klak, is baptized in the court of Louis the Pious

    The year 827/The Danish Viking chief, Harald Klak, is baptized in the court of Louis the Pious

  6. The Treaty of Verdun divides Charlemagne's empire between his three grandsons #history

    The Treaty of Verdun divides Charlemagne's empire between his three grandsons #history

  7. The Golden Age of Harun al Rashid The Glorious Reign of the Abbasid Caliph #shorts

    The Golden Age of Harun al Rashid The Glorious Reign of the Abbasid Caliph #shorts

  8. The Mystical Sword of Byzantium #Byzantium #SwordofByzantium #MedievalHistory #AncientWeapons

    The Mystical Sword of Byzantium #Byzantium #SwordofByzantium #MedievalHistory #AncientWeapons
