2 years agoiScry Ophiuchus | Eyes on prize, Emblem, Rabbit ears, Sleeping, luck, Heavens, Elephant, LavishiScrySteph
2 years agoiScry Ophiuchus | November | Secret society, Secret Service, Tunnels, Gophers, Candlabra & PattycakeiScrySteph
2 years agoiScry Leos | November | Sunshine, Yellow ribbon, Jungle, Charitable, Passion, Scissors & SwansiScrySteph
2 years agoiScry Libra | November | Love is in the air, Self care- Full, Static, Guides, Cape Fear & Vase/UrniScrySteph
2 years agoiScry Aries | November | Feelin free on feet, Power objects, Textiles, Birdbath, Punkrock & HackersiScrySteph
2 years agoiScry Taurus | Quality over quantity, Sharp word wizard, Slicing 5's, Growing and glowing upiScrySteph
2 years agoiScry Ophiuchus | September | Soul mate, Todays Special, Grid, Globe, U r a hidden sign for a reasoniScrySteph
2 years agoiScry Capricorn | Happiness, Ethereal Peace, Gravedigger, Activated DNA & Done with TrickstersiScrySteph
2 years agoiScry Aries | Whipping into shape, WELLness, Compass, Cockroach, Scorpion, Purifying & ProtectiveiScrySteph
2 years agoAll signs Sunday | Horoscope Horror movie, Poltergeist, Planet, Divide, Watch ur Six, Power & PeaceiScrySteph
2 years agoiScry Libra | Saftey, Security, Squeeze, Cheerleaders, Jaw dropping,Surfing, Strong & Secret admireriScrySteph
2 years agoiScry Monday | Someones Message | Casino Boss, Adam's family, Pussywillows & Drive by the ToweriScrySteph
2 years agoiScry Cancer | Three little pigs, bears, skiiing, soul mate, liar lifted & holding homeostasis spaceiScrySteph
2 years agoiScry Capricorn | All aspects working as one, Wiser, Stoic, Cross bow, Planet, Triggers, Moon & SunsiScrySteph
2 years agoiScry Leo | Science, Snail, Genie in a bottle(or wine), Goat, Focus, Repelling & mountain climbingiScrySteph
2 years agoiScry Virgo| Radioactive, Guillotine, NewU Sacred Spear, Spider web, Donkey Kong & Duck, duck Goose!iScrySteph
2 years agoiScry Pisces | Changing Frequencies! Dolphins, Gargoyles, Twin Towers, Foundation & Easter islandiScrySteph
2 years agoiScry Aquarius | Sun 🌞 Grandmother, Yoda, Groot, Pond, Paranormal, Purpose & Filtering water abilityiScrySteph
2 years agoiScry Scorpio | Power #'s, Hang glider/Parachute, tangled, Big "C" Choice, Commitment & ConsciousiScrySteph
2 years agoiScry Cancer | Evil Queen apple, Arnold Schwarz, Walk on the Beach to joy & happy, Promotion & BirthiScrySteph
2 years agoiScry Sagittarius | What a saga!! Passive & Active Power, Mystery, Action, Sworn to Secrecy & moreiScrySteph
2 years agoiScry Gemini | U2U, Courage, Chess piece, Ego, Extinction, Dinosaur, Forgiveness, Hell to Heaven!iScrySteph
2 years agoiScry Ophiuchus | No Karma, Elegant, Hidden Holistic Housekeepers, Tools & Torque, Lots of leverageiScrySteph
2 years agoiScry Scorpio | Headless horseman, Victor or Villan, Vulnerable, Pants, Perception & Pairing partsiScrySteph