EP310 Java with Just Jodie Featuring Foster Coulson, Freedom Fighter Entrepreneur! Founder of The Wellness Company,The cofounder of Zelenko Labs,founder of the Vigilant News Network (VNN) WWW.VIGILANTNEWS.com and involved with WWW.UNJECTED.COM
The Jeff Dornik Show: GOP Presidential Candidate Ryan Binkley's Explosive Interview: Christian Values, Economy and The Late Show Mention | LIVE @ 8pm ET
Mike in the Night! E587 - Pathetic Joe Biden to Award Democrat Hillary Clinton and Leftist George Soros the Medal of Freedom, Christmas chaos in France: Knife attacks, hundreds of gifts stolen, arson attack on a nativity scene, and a cemetery robbed,
Central Bank Digital Currency | Freedom-Killing Programmable Currency Explained In 4 Minutes "The Central Bank will have absolute control on the rules and regulations that will determine the use of (currency) that central bank liability."