Has Trump Traded in the Extra-Conscious Souls (Lightworkers/Starseeds) for the Christian Conservative NPC’s to Ensure Votes? In the End No One Wins without the Independent (Usually the Conscious Soul) Vote. Regardless, Cast Your Vibrational Vote First!
Un misterioso oggetto cadeva nel cielo di KIEV,che cos'era?SPAZZATURA SPAZIALE e non un meteorite.il governo ucraino(illegittimo per via del colpo di stato di Euromaidan del 2014,ndr) ha detto che era un satellite in disuso alla popolazione
Not Only is He Speaking to the Middle Class, But He’s Speaking to the Extra-Conscious Souls That Many Feel Trump Has Traded in for Christian Conservative NPC’s. Anyway, Neither of These Men Have a Shot without the Independent Vote, and Each Other!