Dunagun Kaiser | "The Dodd-Frank Acts States Nothing In the Bank Is Yours." + "BRICS Alliance Have Set Out to Dethrone the Dollar. If That Happens, the Living Standards We Enjoy Today Are A Thing of the Past." - FedEx
Yuval Noah Harari | "Maybe the Last Story That Democrats & Republicans Still Share Is the Dollar. What Happens If Republicans & Democrats No Longer Use the Same Money?" - 11/16/2024
Gold Standard | "Dollar Needs to Be Gold-Backed Again. Can That Do It?" - Dr. Judy Shelton | "The Signs Are There: The Gold Standard Is Coming Back." - Forbes
Bo Polny | Gold Standard | "Dollar Needs to Be Gold-Backed Again. Can That Do It?" - Dr. Judy Shelton | "The Signs Are There: The Gold Standard Is Coming Back." - Forbes
Andy Schectman | “Bank Term Funding Program Just Expired & We Just Witnessed First Bail-In.” Trump Says Losing Dollar As World Reserve Currency Is Worse Than Losing a War? “Moment of Truth Is Coming.” - Putin 11/7/24
Dollar Collapse | What Countries Are Joining BRICS? "Saudia Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Algeria, Argentina, Mexico, Nigeria, So There Is HUGE Interest." - Foreign Minister, Naledi Pandor from South Africa which holds BRICS Presidency Th