Dollar Collapse | Did the 2014 Movie Jack Ryan- Shadow Recruit Predict the Introduction of the BRICS Gold-Backed Central Bank Digital Currency & the Complete Collapse of the U.S. Economy? "New Money, New World."
Great Reset | "On the Fourth Industrial Revolution, It Changes Not Only What We Are Doing, It Changes Us. The Fusion of Our Physical, Digital & Biological Spheres. It's the Integration of Those Spheres. The Opportunities Are Immense."
Central Bank Digital Currencies | DEEP DIVE INTO CBDCs Including: How They Work, How They’ll Be Introduced, Cashless Society, Social Credit Scores, Carbon Footprint Trackers, FedNow, Digital Dollars, Vaccine Passports, Surveillance Under the Skin &
Central Bank Digital Currencies | "CBDCs, This Represents An End to Liberty." - Steve Bannon War Room + "Gosh This Looks Like the Mark of the Beast." - Glenn Beck
Agustín Carstens | The General Manager of the Bank of International Settlements Explains How Central Bank Digital Currencies Will Work | "With CBDCs, The Central Bank Will Have Absolute Control That Will Determine That Use of Liability"
Central Bank Digital Currencies | "Don't Get the Vaccine? You Can't Go to the Super Market. Don't Have the Vaccine? You Can't Go to Work." - Don Lemon + "Gosh This Looks Like the Mark of the Beast." - Glenn Beck
Ice Cube & Joe Rogan | General Flynn Reacts | "I'm Hoping People Wake Up Enough to Slow It Down. They Want CBDC, They Want Everybody On a Social Credit Score System & They'll Probably Connect It to Some Sort of Vaccine App." -
Yuval Noah Harari | Why Is Yuval Noah Harari a Fan of Hitler, Digital Dictatorships & Surveillance Under the Skin? Why Did Elon Musk Select a Member of the World Economic Forum to Lead Twitter?
The Great Reset | The Social Credit Score Life | "It Changes You If You Take the Genetic Editing. It's You Who Are Changed." - Klaus Schwab (The Author of COVID-19 / The Great Reset)