Amanda Grace | EXPOSING How Luciferian Lyrics, Satanic Songs & Politically Correct Pastors Are Opening Up Souls to Demonic Attacks While Pushing Mark of the Beast Technology
Yuval Noah Harari | "We Now Face Three Major Problems That Cannot Be Solved On A National Level- Nuclear War, Climate Change and Technological Disruption"
Alex Newman | The Great Reset? Was the New Religion Unveiled at the United Nations Climate COP27 Event? (The 27th Conference of Parties + Convention On Climate Change)
Climate Change | "To Solve the Climate Crisis We Will Have to Give Up Some of Our Most Cherished Needs." - Yuval Noah Harari | "You've Probably Heard That 97% of Scientists Have Agreed That Humans Are Responsible for Climate Change?
Mike in The Night! E499 - Only 0.3% of science papers state humans are the cause of climate change Current Events, Call ins , WEF world Communist Takeover, Taiwan Predicts Conflict with China