2 years ago2018040801 Satans strategys, watchmen,eternal science,alien origin/purpose,1900 AD warning coming trueBerean Builder Ministries
10 months agoLiving Waters Shall Flow from Jerusalem (Zechariah 14:5-11) - Bob Cruickshank (2024 Conference)bereanbiblechurchvaVerified
10 months agoJesus' Last Days Splitting of the Mount of Olives (Zech 14:1-4) - Bob Cruickshank (2024 Conference)bereanbiblechurchvaVerified
10 months agoThe Theological Journey and the Christian Life - Zach Davis (2024 Conference)bereanbiblechurchvaVerified
10 months agoThe Fulfillment of the Song of Moses (Deut. 31-32) - Michael Sullivan (2024 Conference)bereanbiblechurchvaVerified
10 months agoA Brief Overview of Philosophy from a Christian Perspective - Dr Jordan Grant (2024 Conference)bereanbiblechurchvaVerified
10 months agoSalvation from AD 30-70: Completion of the Mystery of God - Zach Davis (2024 Conference)bereanbiblechurchvaVerified
10 months agoHow Many Messiahs Does the OT Predict? - Michael Sullivan (2024 Conference)bereanbiblechurchvaVerified