The Issues Going Forward After Elections | Election Integrity Call | Jovan Pulitzer, Mel K, Catherine Engelbrecht, General Flynn, Wayne Allen Root | BFB Live Field Report
Some J6 Prisoners Remain While Others Still Have No Rights Given Back | Trump Administration Ignites Leftist Opposition as America First Begins | The Truth About Diabetes and What It Causes | Dr. Mark Sherwood, Joe Biggs
The Deep State and Media Appear to be Activating Trump Assassins | Dissidents and Whistleblowers are Targeted by Weaponized Agencies as Election Approaches | Soros and the Uniparty Capture Media Platforms Ahead of November | Nate Cain, Sam Anthony
The CCP is Still Active in the United States and Intimidating Dissident Journalists | Has Trump Put the Team in Place to Withdraw mRNA Vaccines | Dr. Mark Sherwood, Janice Trey
Leftists, Communists, Socialists, Islamists, and Campus Protestors Have the Same Purpose for America | The CCP Works With Islamists to Collapse the Dollar | Pfizer Vaccine is Killing Babies | Daniel Greenfield, Aila Wang, Dr. James Thorp
Are They Using Weather Events to Implement Global Control in the United States | CCP Agents Embedded in New York Politics are Being Revealed in Indictments | Ultra Processed Foods are Causing America's Cognitive Decline | Dr. Mark Sherwood, Aila Wang
Fires, Explosions, and Chemical Disasters Occurring Repeatedly in U.S. | Health Tracking Devices Implemented in East Palestine | James O'Keefe Forced Out of Organization | Biden Prepares to Surrender U.S. Sovereignty to WHO | Col John Mills
The Debt Ceiling Compromise Passes Showing McCarthy and House are the America Last Agenda | Audrey Hale Transvestite Manifesto May Hold Key to Political Operatives | JFK Assassination Files Remain Hidden Despite Deadline to Release | Dr. Mark Sherwood, Ja