Katy Perry, Probably Started Early, High Level, Christian Cover Life, Sisters Of Light Nunnery + Wide Awake, Witchcraft, Caterpillar, Alice in Wonderland + Labyrinth, Triggers, Alters, Inner Child, No Reflection, Vampirism, Butterfly, Flash, Looking Glass
Project Looking Glass, Collaboration, Seeing into the Future + Star Wars Now and the Spiritual Gates, Demonic Spirits + The Voice of God Project, The Throne Room
First Republic Bank | "This Was a $121 Stock At the Stock At the Start of This Year, It Closed Today At Less Than $6 Per Share." - Bloomberg (4/27/23) | 14th-Largest Commercial Bank In America Collapses
Trump and RFK Jr. Surge in Polls as They Completely Embrace “Sounding Like a Conspiracy Theorist”.. and Now Have Started Sounding a Bit More Like Each Other — #Vaccines #Guns and More!
Pink Music Video Decode, All I Know So Far + Marketing of Stars, Seem to Be Rebelling + Military Father, MK Ultra + Toy with Teeth, Teeth are Sometimes Kept as Trophies + Pink as a Housewife, Doing all the Work
Moral of the Story: Bad Things Happen.. to Bad Girls. Even Spirit Guides Can’t Always Save an Unhappy Soul. Revolutionary Video Directed by David Fincher, and the Artist Who Took Music Video to Feature-Film-Quality. “Bad Girl” by Madonna.