Vaccines | What Did Stanley Plotkin, M.D. "The Godfather of Vaccines" Answer the Question: Do You Take Issue with Religious Beliefs? "Yes. Vaccination Is Always Under Attack from Religious Zealots."
Dr. Judy Mikovits | Who Are the Nefarious Characters Behind the COVID-19 Deception And the Great Reset Agenda? (Who Is Ralph Baric, Deborah Birx, Bill Gates, and Peter Daszak) Who Are the Good Guys Leading The Great ReAwakening?
COVID-19 Vaccines | "Two of the Countries Which Were Most Successful In Getting Good Coverage of Vaccination Based This Not At All On Getting Their Citizens to Try to Understand the Science." - Professor Leptin
World Economic Forum | Why Is the World Economic Forum Pushing mRNA, Cryptocurrency, Self-Driving Cars & Brain-Computer Interfaces? Why Are Klaus Schwab, Yuval Noah Harari & Elon Musk Pushing These Agenda Items?