The Deep State's Treacherous Agenda Against Our Health: Chemicals in our Food, Air, and Water - Dan Lyons; 3 SHOCKING Truths! What are You Buying from the Store? - Jeremiah and Amy Harris | FOC Show
BILL FEDERER | Silence is SIN! Speak Now or Forever Lose Your Freedom. - Flyover Deep Dive; Economic Update - Dr. Kirk Elliott; Here are 3+ [ N A T U R A L ] Tips to Stay Healthy - Dr. Troy Spurrill | FOC Show
BORDER DEEP DIVE: WHO is Crossing? Where Are They Going? How is YOUR Money Paying for This? What is the Border Patrol Doing About It? - Victor Avila | FOC Show
You would think as Self Proclaimed "Christians" that they would want every Christian To Know about God's Protection Over You! Instead We Get God Bless And Buy Our Products!
COLLAPSE OF THE DOLLAR | 95% of People Behind the Scenes are WRONG! - Clay Clark; Martin Armstrong Warns: "Everything Is Going Wrong For The Deep State" - Dr. Kirk Elliott | FOC Show