Yuval Noah Harari | Is Daniel 7:25 Being Fulfilled By Yuval Noah Harari? "Money Is a Fiction. What Is the Last Thing That Still Holds American Society Together? The Value of the Dollar Is Purely An Imaginary Reality."
Starlink | Why Does Elon Musk Want to Cover the Earth with Low-Orbit Satellites? "Perhaps Still a Role for Humans, We May Give A.I. (Artificial Intelligen
Humanoid Robots | "I Think the Ratio of Humanoid Robots to Humans Will Be At Least Two to One. Somewhere Around the Order of 10 Billion Humanoid Robots." - Elon Musk (6/14/24) "Perhaps Still a Role for Humans?" (5/23/24)
Bombshell Must Watch UK MP Andrew Bridgen Debate Dr David Lloyd Doctor Doesn't Seem to Care Excess Deaths Still Pushing Covid-19 Vaccines Playbook Safe and Effective
Former White House doctor says Biden won't finish out first term. Joe Biden belongs in a nursing home. why the fuck is he still president of the USA this is embarrassing. it was noted during the election his mid was going and the news lied to all of