2 years ago“Hello De Bruce ward” - Anne Marie Waters - candidate in the upcoming elections.Airstrip One news
2 years agoIndian officials drink Shenghe water to prove water quality, two days later, severe abdominal painChenchen07
1 year agoAnne Marie Waters Live the ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF DEWSBURY, economy, the invasion and despicable MPsAirstrip One news
2 years agoAnne Marie Waters live The new Scottish leader and anti-white hatred sharia blasphemy lawsAirstrip One news
1 year agoAnne Marie Waters The latest climate alarmism and more politically correct impositions on police.Airstrip One news
1 year agoWe don't need more laws, we need guts. Anne Marie Waters Ukip Justice SpokeswomanAirstrip One news
1 year agoAtrocity in France: Media shows its ugly face again Anne Marie Waters, Ukip Justice SpokespersonAirstrip One news
2 years agoAnne Marie Waters / One day European’s will wake up and take back their continentRayAllen1776