Yuval Noah Harari | Why Does James Corden, Barack Obama, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, MIT, New York Times, Stanford, Harvard, the World Economic Forum and Klaus Schwab Praise the Writings and Teachings of Yuval Noah Harari?
Robert Kiyosaki & James Rickards | "If You Donate Money to Donald Trump, You May Find That Your Account Is Frozen." The Connection Between the Chinese Social Credit System, Black Mirror & Executive Order 14067
James Giordano | Why Is Dr Giordano Talking About the Medical Branches of NATO Conjuring Up Some Nano-Particulate Dust That Can Cause Stroke Epidemics? "Nano-Particulate Stroke or a Hemorrhagic Diathesis (People Having Brain Bleeds)."
Catherine Austin Fitts | EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW with Catherine Austin Fitts & James Patrick On CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currencies), Joe Biden's Executive Order #14067, the Quantum Dot, Surveillance Under the Skin and The Great Reset