la programmazione predittiva nel film di Fantozzi della grigliata di ratto,ringrazierò sempre il governo di aver portato migliaia di clandestini africani in NORD MERDALIA per poter pescare nutrie e topi dal fiume Po con gli accoglioni del PD e di FDI
Preparing for 4D Pre-5D, and How Heavy Chronic Negative Thoughts Would Destroy You in the 4D! — The Realm of Dreams, the Effects of Thought, Change That Heals, and More! | “Open Minds” with Regina Meredith
The 9D Pleiadians on 9/11 and the Illuminati, Stargates, The Great Pyramid, The Descending Lyrans and Other Descending Beings, and More! | Wendy Kennedy on the E.D. Podcast [Interviews with E.D. (Extra Dimensionals)]
Unlocking UFO Disclosure: Balancing Talk & Action, and Exploring the Implications (Including the Likelihood of Civil War). | Gregg Braden and John L. Peterson