Prophecy 21, 95, 153 Excerpts YAHUSHUA'S RESURRECTION Then 40 DAYS Preaching Worldwide. HIS Bride & Guests overcoming zombies & all of hell (mirrored) 43 views
Prophecy 150, 102 Excerpts! Fallen angels will send Nephilim/Zombie forces. To Video game makers, YAH ASKS "Will It Be Fun..?" Hearts Fail (Luke 21:26) GLORIOUS YAH Our Only Hope! (mirrored)
Prophecy 118 Excerpts - A DIVIDING SWORD! YAH SAYS "I had another prophet (Nehemiah, Neh. 13:23-30)..slap them for being unequally yoked" to strange wives (see betrayal warning in Mark 13:12) mirrored
Amightywind Prophecy 65 "Evil Days Are upon you!" "I turn their own weapons against them" Air & food "is poisoned and you know not." "weapons of Heaven..the arsenal of the elements." (mirrored)
Prophecy 150, 102 Excerpts YAH'S Children as Days Of Old Will War OVERCOME fallen angels ruling Giants falling from skies/Nephilim (even 100 feet tall) & hell's forces. Victory in YAHUSHUA! (mirrored)
YAH'S Own Amightywind Ministry 30 Year Celebration (online since 1994) along with Apostle Elisheva's Birthday! YAH'S Children celebrate it with us 30 days!