5D Alex Jones Speaks! Topics Include: There is NO DEATH, God’s Only Purpose is Expansion, Our Ancestors, How the Illuminati Talk to ETs and Inter-Dimensionals, Robotic Races/DNA (They Have More Worship-Gene, as Confirmed by Billy Carson), and More!
Tribute to the Controversial Jordan Maxwell: "THERE WAS NO KING SOLOMON", and More! — Featuring Kerry Cassidy, Alex Jones, and More! | Jordan Maxwell 1940–2022
Dolores Cannon on Obama + Individual Purpose, “Should We Have Guns or Not!?”, Frequency Bandwidths, “ExileSoul”, Sexuality & Law of Attraction, The Music Industry, and More! (WE in 5D Off The Cuff Talk)
He Saw Our 5D Future During Near Death Experience — BEAUTIFUL, But You'll Hate His Revealed Time of Arrival of 5D! In Fairness, if One Knows how, EVERY Individual can Shorten/Lengthen Their Timeline as it is Illusion That We All Share the Same One.
Happy S🌞NDAY of "Worship" (AKA Drama/Ancient PsyOp & Self-Hatred) | Jesus’ ACTUAL Teachings, ET Contact, and "Ancient Aliens". — Paul Wallis Interviewed by Emilio Ortiz
A Deep Multidimensional Conversation: What's Happened, and What's to Come! | Alex Jones on Tim Pool's "The Culture War" (4/14/23). Yet Again, Another Enriching Interview with Alex! [Hopefully You Can Put Up with Tim—SMH 🙄]
REAL-TIME EXAMPLE: When 5D Finds You’re Ready and Pushes You Out [Just a Little bit More] of 3D, but You Still Oddly Feel Wronged About it—it’s Called Unsophisticated Human! But it Should be ok.. You’ll Usually Adjust and Not Forfeit the Upgrade.
BREAKING: Dr. Phil Joins Tom Homan During I.C.E. Bust And Deportation Of Pedophile Illegal Alien: "Every Sexual Predator We Arrest Means More Safe Children!"
"Not Everyone Can go, Alex!" Roseanne on Alex Jones 3/4/23 (She Arrives at 1:25:00) | Historical “Team-Up”, LITERALLY with Ideas on How to Build New Earth — ROSEANNE IS ON FIRE!