Yuval Noah Harari | "The Hitlers of the 21st Century with Tools Like A.I. and Bioengineering, They Will Have the Ability to Reengineer the Human Body and the Mind."
Yuval Noah Harari | Why Did Yuval Say the Following? "The Message Kids Get from Biblical Stories Is That It's All About Us and This Links Directly to the Ecological Catastrophe That We Are Facing."
Yuval Noah Harari | "What Is the Role of Our Bodies? Is the Point to Release Our Mind or Our Soul from This to Exist In an Immaterial Realm? This Theological Battle from 2,000 Years Is Now Becoming a Real Battle."
Robin Bullock | "Yuval Noah Harari and He's the Prophet for World Economic Forum, Barack Obama Praises Him. Bill Gates Praises Him. Mark Zuckerberg Praises Him." (Featuring 20+ Clips of Yuval Noah Harari Stating The Great Reset Agenda)
Yuval Noah Harari | "Ideally the Response to COVID Should Be the Establishment of a Global Healthcare System. COVID Legitimizes the Deployment of Mass Surveillance Even In Democratic Countries and It Makes Surveillance Go Under Your Skin."
Yuval Noah Harari | "Humans Are Fallible, Humans Are Corruptible, So We Need to Connect to Something Radically Different That Is Infallible and Incorruptible."