1 year ago[p5] Ellen G. White Taught the Blood of Christ Does NOT Cleanse Sin | 10-1-23Creation Liberty Evangelism
1 year ago[p6] Ellen G. White Believed That Jesus Was Michael the Archangel | 10-8-23Creation Liberty Evangelism
1 year ago[p8] SDAs Are Not Faithful Enough to Add White's Books to Scripture | 10-22-23Creation Liberty Evangelism
1 year ago[p9] EGW Prophesied the U.S. Would Fall to the British During the Civil War | 10-29-23Creation Liberty Evangelism
1 year ago[p13] Ellen White is the Biggest Hypocrite of the 19th Century | 11-26-23Creation Liberty Evangelism
1 year ago[p14] Ellen White Believed Blacks Were the Result of Beastiality | 12-3-23Creation Liberty Evangelism
1 year ago[p16] Ellen White Prophesied That Masturbation Will Kill You | 12-17-23Creation Liberty Evangelism
1 year ago[p17] Ellen White Prophesied That Indigestion Will Lead You to Hell | 12-24-23 [creationliberty.com]Creation Liberty Evangelism
10 months ago[p3] Christmas is the Catholic Version of the Pagan Yule-Saturnalia Celebration | 4-28-24Creation Liberty Evangelism
8 months agoAge of the Earth - Evolution is a Stupid Religion [creationliberty.com]Creation Liberty Evangelism
8 months ago[p14] The Hypocrisy of John MacArthur and Grace to You | 7-14-24Creation Liberty Evangelism