1 year agoBased Jewish man, Paul Gottfried, explains the Jewish Supremacist war against Whites.Russia Ukraine UpdatesVerified
2 years agoThe Subway Shooter, Tony Dungy, Disney, and the Death of Gilbert Gottfried -- Tony Katz on NewsmaxTony KatzVerified
2 years agoGeistiges und materielles Wachstum... Der Schöpfer erklärt ❤️ Lebensgeheimnisse durch Gottfried MayerhoferJesus Christus offenbart durch Gottfried Mayerhofer
2 years agoSchmetterling und Schwalbe... Wo beides fehlt, da ist Mein Segen ferne ❤️ Schöpfungsgeheimnisse durch Gottfried MayerhoferJesus Christus offenbart durch Gottfried Mayerhofer
8 months agoGottfried Curio attackiert die Altparteien für ihre Migrationspolitik! - AfD-Fraktion im BundestagJust News - updated regulary - ohne Zensur
2 years agoBoy, Youth, Man and old Man... The Creator explains ❤️ Secrets of Life through Gottfried MayerhoferJesus Christ reveals thru Gottfried Mayerhofer
2 years agoGesundheit, Krankheit und Tod... Der Schöpfer erklärt ❤️ Lebensgeheimnisse offenbart durch Gottfried MayerhoferJesus Christus offenbart durch Gottfried Mayerhofer
2 years agoThe four Periods of Creation of Worlds and Earths... The Creator explains ❤️ Secrets of Life thru Gottfried MayerhoferJesus Christ reveals thru Gottfried Mayerhofer
2 years agoThe Variety of Animals... The Creator elucidates ❤️ Secrets of Life revealed thru Gottfried MayerhoferJesus Christ reveals thru Gottfried Mayerhofer
2 years agoSpirit Life, Soul Life, Angelic Life and Divine Life... The Creator explains ❤️ Secrets of Life revealed thru Gottfried MayerhoferJesus Christ reveals thru Gottfried Mayerhofer
2 years agoLanguage... The Creator explains ❤️ Secrets of Life revealed thru Gottfried MayerhoferJesus Christ reveals thru Gottfried Mayerhofer
2 years agoOur Father... Jesus Christ explains ❤️ Secrets of Life revealed thru Gottfried MayerhoferJesus Christ reveals thru Gottfried Mayerhofer
1 year agoWahres und falsches Freimaurertum ❤️ Jesus offenbart Lebensgeheimnisse durch Gottfried MayerhoferJesus' Love Letters ... Liebesbriefe
2 years agoGilbert Gottfried Tribute, Subway Shooter Arrested, Maino, Smollet & T.I. Oh MyWhiggaz with attitudes Lord Clifford P. Focus & Ye Olde Uncle Dusty Esquire are some dirty good for nothing lazy, no job having Original WHiggaz broadcasting with stolen mics whilst sitting on 22'z Wednesday's live at 9:30PM , join them or get your nooodl
2 years agoBody, Spirit and Soul... The Creator explains ❤️ Secrets of Life through Gottfried MayerhoferJesus Christ reveals thru Gottfried Mayerhofer
4 months agoA GOSPEL OF TIME, CREATION & SPIRITUAL EVOLUTION (Secrets of Creation: through Gottfried Mayerhofer)The New Revelation of Jesus Christ