5 months agoThe Timeline of the Cabal-Hijacked Modern Flat-Earth Movement | Flat Earth Is REAL but CONTROLLED!Liberty TV
9 months agoCAUTION: "Blue Dot" Rebels (Flat Earthers, Anti-Vaxxers/WHO/UN, etc.) Might Be Taken to FEMA CampsLiberty TV
1 year agoThey Lied About 6 Million Jews long before Hitler - Predictively Programming ZionismThe Ascension Diet Eating To Ascend - a resource for truthseekers
3 months agoSTOP THE SPINNING-GLOBE-EARTH LIE! We the People Have Empirical Evidence of the TRUE Flat-Earth Map!Liberty TV
6 months agoThe HEAVEN of the 'Righteous' in NORSE Myth? It could be real according to modern researchARationalDivineOutline
2 years agoHAARP - geo engineering projects including weather modificationNAZIworldORDER - NWO - SECRET SOCIETIES, ILLUMINATI, GREAT RESET
2 days agoHERE'S WHY THEY HIDE THE TRUE FLAT-EARTH MAP: “Antarctica” Stations at Lemuria, Atlantis and PangeaLiberty TV
1 day agoThe Public Has a Right to Know That the Moon Is a Plasma Phenomenon and Map of the Larger Flat EarthLiberty TV
5 months agoThe Perfect Crime to a Blind Society – Depopulation by 5G Frequency – Wireless Murder - Leuren MoretWaking the World up
3 days agoMeasles - Seception To Jab Or Not To Jab A Shaking My Head Production 🎯SEE DESC🎯AetherMedia22 Tony Punch
4 days agoThe GREATEST DISCOVERY in the Flat-Earth Community: The Moon Is Plasma and a Larger Flat-Earth Map!Liberty TV
2 days agoThe TRUE Flat-Earth Map Reveals the Locations of “Antarctica” Stations at Lemuria, Atlantis & PangeaLiberty TV
2 months ago💥 The Videos Supporting the Claim That the Plasma Moon Is a Mirror Image of the Flat Earth 💥Liberty TV
1 month agoTELL THE WHOLE WORLD About the Plasma-Moon FE Map to Get Putin, Trump & Xi to Declare Earth Is Flat!Liberty TV
1 month agoERIC DUBAY Vs. VIBES OF COSMOS: Why Do We Only See Portions of the Moon During the Various M Phases?Liberty TV
1 month agoTIME IS RUNNING OUT! Tell the Whole World that the Moon Is a Flat-Earth Map BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!Liberty TV
1 month agoTIME IS RUNNING OUT! Tell the Whole World that Earth Is Flat and Stationary BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!Liberty TV
1 month agoDownload the Docu. & Evidential Videos on the Moon Being a Flat-Earth Map for Safekeeping & Sharing!Liberty TV