9 days agoRape of White European Women by Brown Migrants. Trump To Zelensky: “You’re A Dictator!” w/ Col. Douglas Macgregorteddolbi
9 months ago⚠️ Dr. Paul Craig Roberts afirma que a Rússia está pronta para usar armas nuclearesTopNews
1 year agoAlastair Crooke MI6 Senior Officer: Putin Humiliated Woke NATO, Western Elites in Former Ukraineteddolbi
9 months agoJudge w/ Lt Col Ritter : On My Way to Russia I Met Big Brother, Had Distinctive Stench of Swamp.teddolbi
1 year agoSir Crooke MI6: Ukrainian War is About Forcing East Europeans (Scythians) To Embrace Wokenessteddolbi
1 year agoHis Excellency Putin: Russia will expand demilitarized zone as far as Poland and Romaniateddolbi
1 year agoJudge w/ Ritter Lt Col: Breached Russian Defensive Lines in Ukraine? Woke Western Media Reported.teddolbi
2 months agow/ Lt Col Ritter: Clueless NATO. USA + GB may be Nuked any Day Now. December 6, 2024teddolbi
1 year agoJudge w/Giraldi CIA: Jews Murdered in Gaza Concentration Camp so far 20K Civilians with US Bombs. Blinken Committed Perjuryteddolbi
1 year agoFormer Ukraine Celebrates Euromaidan Anniversary: Attempt to Join Non-White Woke West a.k.a Eurabiateddolbi
1 year agoAlastair Crooke MI6: Woke Globalism Effects on The West-Pure Horror. Ukraine/Woke NATO Paralyzed.teddolbi
1 year agoSir Crooke MI6: Woke West Believes In Their Own Propaganda-It is Kiss of Death While Confronting Rusteddolbi
1 year agoJudge w/ Lt Col Ritter: Last NATO Defense Lines in Fmr Ukraine Bakhmut-Soledar Built Over 9 yrs Fellteddolbi
2 months agoPresident Putin: NATO Must Be Denazified! Deployment of Nuclear Armed Oreshnik Systems on the Territory of Belarusteddolbi
6 months agoWOKE WEST IN FULL PANIC: Ukrainian Soldiers Began to DESERT En Masse Amid Russia's Statement on ODESSA and TRANSNISTRIAteddolbi
7 months agoDENAZIFIED in ODESSA: BRITISH, U.S. Soldiers Soared Into The Sky Along With Administrative Buildingsteddolbi