World Economic Forum | "Today I'm Here to Tell You That the Western World Is In Danger. Those Who Are Supposed to Have to Defend the Values of the West Are Co-Opted By a Vision of the World That Inextricably Leads to Socialism." - Argentina
Central Bank Digital Currencies | "Central Banks Around the World Were the Biggest Buyers of Gold As a Store of Value As An Alternative to the Dollar. They Bought Hundreds & Hundreds & Hundreds of Tons (of Gold). They Are Smart." - Ross
Elon Musk | "Elon Musk Is Owned By the Chinese Communist Party. The Only Thing of Real Value Is Tesla. The Shanghai Join Venture Is 100% Controlled By the CCP. Musk Is Owned By the Chinese Communist Party." - Steve Bannon
Mel K | "Is It Possible to Build a Global Order Which Is Based On Shared Values & Cooperation? A.I. Stands for Alien Intelligence." - Yuval Noah Harari + Why Is Yuval Noah Harari NOW Being Pushed On Mainstream Media?! BTFP Ends Now
Yuval Noah Harari | Is Daniel 7:25 Being Fulfilled By Yuval Noah Harari? "Money Is a Fiction. What Is the Last Thing That Still Holds American Society Together? The Value of the Dollar Is Purely An Imaginary Reality." + Doctor Sherwood