Robert Kiyosaki | "Don Jr. & Eric Trump Are Fantastic Young Men! I Know the Trump Boys Implicitly. Those Young Men Are Gracious, Very Polished, Great Young Men! I'm Hardcore Let's Make America Great Again!" - Kiyosaki (8/21/24)
HR 6090 | Charlie Kirk, "Did House of Representatives Just Make Parts of the Bible Illegal?" Tucker Carlson, "Yes. The New Testament." What Does HR 6090 Antisemitism Awareness Act Mean? + Rev 16:12-14, Mark 13, Luke 21, Matt 24
War Room | Clay Clark Guest Hosts for Owen Shroyer & InfoWars | Breaking Down 119 Biblical Prophecies Coming to Pass Simultaneously (Part 2 of 3) Including: Mark 13, Matthew 24, Luke 21, Revelation 16:12-14, Revelation 6, Etc
Erick Stakelbeck | Why Is the World Focused On Israel? What Does the Bible Say About Israel & the End Times? Are We Witnessing Ezekiel 38, Revelation 16: 12-14, Mark 13, Matthew 24 & Luke 21? What Is The Great Reset?
Kristen took a COVID JAB Bioweapon and soon after had severe convulsions, facial numbness, inability to control her head. She goes to hospital and doctors ask her to leave because there’s nothing they can do
Matthew Chapter 24 | How Does the Bible Say It Will End? Did Jesus Announce Events Now Being Witnessed In Matthew 24, Luke 21 & Mark Chapter 13? "In the Last Days Israel Will Be Center of Controversy." - Rabbi Jonathan Cahn
War Room | Clay Clark Guest Hosts for Owen Shroyer & InfoWars | Breaking Down 119 Biblical Prophecies Coming to Pass Simultaneously (Part 1 of 3) Including: Mark 13, Matthew 24, Luke 21, Revelation 16:12-14, Revelation 6, Etc
CDC Dep. Dir. Tom Shimabukuro Admits COVID Vaccines Are Causing "Debilitating Illnesses" "We are aware of these reports of people experiencing long-lasting health problems following COVID vaccination" #DamageControl