3 years agoGermany: Thousands of Antifa march through Berlin following Kopi police op - 15.10.2021demonstration
3 years agoLIVE: Berlin / Deutschland - Kurdische Gemeinde fordert Freiheit für PKK-Führer - 27.11.2021demonstration
3 years agoLIVE: Berlin / Germany - COVID-19 sceptics march, counter-protests expected - 04.12.2021demonstration
3 years agoLIVE: Berlin / Germany - Protest held against anti-abortion 'March for Life' rally - 18.09.2021 #irldemonstration
3 years agoLIVE: Berlin / Germany - Demonstration for human rights, social justice, and climate action #irldemonstration
3 years agoGermany: Hundreds join techno-punk march in Berlin against Kopi eviction - 14.10.2021demonstration
3 years agoGermany: Hundreds scuffle with police at protest against 'Kopi 137' eviction in Berlin - 09.10.2021demonstration
3 years agoGermany: Anti-vax demonstrators gather outside Berlin’s Reichstag - 11.12.2021demonstration
3 years agoNewsbreak 140 | UK Journalists Rusere Shoniwa, Roger Guttridge on Online Safety Bill, Vaxx PassportsRamola D Reports
3 years agoLIVE: Berlin / Germany - Fridays for Future stage climate strike - 22.10.2021demonstration
3 years agoLIVE: Berlin / Germany - Demonstrators rally against income inequality and for affordable housingdemonstration
3 years agoInvitation pour la France: "L'année de la liberté et de la paix" - 01. août 2021 BERLINQuerdenken615
3 years agoManifestation nationale à Berlin le 1er août 2021 : "L'année de la liberté et de la paix"Querdenken615
3 years agoLIVE: Berlin / Germany - Eviction of 'Kopi' trailer camp goes ahead despite protests - 15.10.2021demonstration