#243 NOVEMBER 8TH REEDUCATION - X Spaces Episode #5 - The Walls Are Closing In On Maricopa County Elections - FRAUD HAS BEEN PROVEN! EVERYTHING You've Been Told For The Past 14 Months Has Been A BIG LIE!
#256 NOVEMBER 8TH REEDUCATION - X Spaces Episode #7: Witness List & Protective Counters FAIL 100x's | Voting Machines Have FAILED The Fraud Safeguards & The RESULTS Can Not Be Trusted - Why Are The "Leaders" IGNORING The Evidence?
#237 NOVEMBER 8TH REEDUCATION - X Spaces Episode #3 - Part 2: Chandler USD Vote Center . . . GHOST ELECTION of Mari-Corruption County, Anarchy Arizona | Illegal Votes From A Monday & Wednesday Election | EPHESIANS 5:11-14
#231 NOVEMBER 8TH REEDUCATION - EPISODE 1 | ABE HAMADEH WON ATTORNEY GENERAL…Here’s The Proof! + The TRUTH & FACTS About The 2022 Maricopa County, Arizona Election & Our Election System Operation | LEO DONOFRIO, ESQ