Stony Brook Univ (Long Island, NY): Police Test Me But I Hold My Ground, Holy Spirit Helps Me Draw a Huge Crowd, Police Return, Crowd Swells To Over 100 Students, Lesbians, Trans, Homosexuals, Hypocrites, Muslims, Jews All Oppose Me, Crowd Goes Wild!
FSU: Esoteric Student Questions Validity of the Bible, Crowd of about 20-25 Students Form, Women Defend Abortion, Catholic Partial Preterist Claims Church Has Authority to Change the Sabbath, Ministering to a Buddhist
Valdosta State: Clown Heckler Helps Me Draw A Crowd of 50 Students, One Young Man Under Serious Conviction, Exhorting the Lukewarm, Exalting Holiness, A Wonderful Day!
Stony Brook Univ: In A Stunning Twist, 100 Students Gather In Sobriety, Raising Hands, Asking Over 50 Very Good Questions, Then Hecklers Return & Crowd Explodes w/ Rage, Police Advise Me To Leave, Christian Students Emboldened To Confront The Darkness
Univ of Massachusetts Amherst: Hard To Draw A Crowd At First, Then A Few Christians Approach Me, Soon Some Curious Sinners Pepper Me W/ Questions, Crowd Grows To 50 Students, Student Raise Hands, Remain Calm, A Wonderful Day Of Passover Preaching!
University of Arkansas: Great Conversations, Civil Dialogue, Calm Crowd, Later In The Day A Larger Crowd Forms, A Trans Spouts Nonsense, Jesus Christ Exalted
University of Kentucky: Fake Moon Landing Guy Rebukes Me & Later Cusses, Lesbian Heckler Creates Her Own Sign, Lots of Fruitful Discussions, Preaching To Thousands As Small Crowd Forms
Eastern Washington University: Homosexual Hecklers Help Me Draw A Crowd Of About 60 Students, Police Presence Helps Keep Things Civil, Several True Christians Come Out To Support Me, Dealing w/ Agnostics & Atheists Most of the Day, Exalting Jesus!
Central Washington University: Militant Homosexuals & Abortion Supporters Oppose Gospel, Pastor Kent Joins Me & Crowd Grows to 20, We Tag Team Preach, Homosexuals Come Out In Force, Bisexuals Claim To Be Christians, Crowd & Hostility Grows