Q: "Are the last 4 years an obstacle to you in this race?" Word Salad Kamala Harris: "First of all, let me be very clear, cost of groceries still too high. American dream is something that people can't count on anymore..."
Biden's Press Sec cooks a giant word salad about Biden's "comprehensive physical" & "I'm sharpest before 8:00 p.m." statement: "You know, he likes to joke a lot. I think people laugh when he says it."
Besides all the other nonsense and tons of word salad, Kamala ads her own invented lies to debunked "suckers and losers" claim: "Trump called military service members uncourageous and cowards."
Biden's giant word salad: "The idea that she was murdered by an immigrant coming in... There's a lot of young women are being raped by their in laws, by their spouses, brothers and sisters. It's just ridiculous."