3 months agoGranger Smith | Explains when we're in the midst of a trial to wait for the Lord. #trialsManOnAMission316
3 months agoGranger Smith | Explains when we're in the midst of a trial to wait for the Lord. #trialsFollowerOfChristJesus316
1 year agoDelight in the Lord_Wait Patiently for Him - Daily Devotional AudioWe are Living in the Last Days
3 months agoGranger Smith | Explains when we're in the midst of a trial to wait for the Lord. #trialsIMTHEWRETCH
3 years agoI ask you a serious Question... Do you just wait for the Rapture ?... ❤️ Love Letter from JesusWarnings and Instructions from Jesus Christ
6 months agoYour word Lord is settled in heaven psalm 119 You faithfulness, endures to all generations #bibleSeedelle - content to give glory to our Lord Jesus
2 years ago03.13.22 Psalm 37: Wait Patiently for the Lord | Pastor Steven Anderson, Faithful Word Baptist ChurchHard Preaching
1 year agoBut they that wait upon the Lord | Pastor Paul WeringafaithfulwordChristBaptistchurchNairobi