2 years agoTotul se schimbă! Educatia si Inteligența Artificială (George Buhnici)Intrebari: Provocari Contemporane? * Raspunsuri: constantinalecse@gmail.com
2 years agoTransporting Kegs, Budget Brewing, Adding DME, & Used vs New when it Comes to Kegerators - Ep. 279HomebrewHappyHour
2 years agoKeezer Temp Control Tips, Adding Whirlfloc Post Boil, Fermenting & Serving at Same Temps - Ep. 281HomebrewHappyHour
1 month ago🌿 Among the Willows – Young Woodpeckers Discover the World! 🌿 młode dzięcioły uczą się świata!foresthunger