Different Healing Processes are Needed Depending on Which Stage of Development You're at!—These are the 3 Processes/Levels of Healing, + Equally as Big a Deal: WHAT IS SPIRITUAL BYPASSING? | Aaron Abke on the "Know Thyself Podcast" (Clip)
John L. Peterson: Is it REALLY All About Strictly Operating in a Spiritual Space, or is There a Point Where it Comes to YOU SAYING "NO!!!" and Taking Action? Gregg Braden: The New Age Movement is a PsyOp in Itself! WE DO HAVE TO FIGHT.
BEAUTIFUL! I Almost Dismissed This Before I Finished Watching. Perfectly Explained! — MESSAGE FOR 2 DIFFERENT SPIRITUAL GROUPS ON THEIR JOURNEY (WATCHING THIS). | Phil Good
Luke & Alex Make Up! [4/28/23] | Almost Comical: Different Spiritual Sectors Conversationally Merge [Fruitfully (Phew!)] as Alex Works to Stay Palatable to His Core Audience and Luke Talks ‘Gut’ While Avoiding the Term ‘Solar Plexus Chakra’!