11 months agoGlobalists are manipulating our universities, students and governments for agenda 2030 AI and big tech domination.michaelj5326Verified
8 months agoThe List: Donald Trumps accomplishments VS Joe Bidens accomplishmentssteventaurielloshowVerified
2 years agomRNA Vaccines in Our Foods & Health Canada the Big Pharma Shill -Dr. Byram Bridle, Vaccine Specialistnonvaxer420
2 years agoTeam Enigma Whistleblower! US DoD Plan to Exterminate Population - Sasha Latypovanonvaxer420
2 years agoDr. Ana – The Science EXPLAINED – Nanotech in Injections & Quantum Physics, Detoxingnonvaxer420
2 years agoContraLand (2020) Child sex trafficking expose' documentary, Contraland, filmed by the Veterans of non-profit organization Veterans For Child Rescue.nonvaxer420
2 years agoSasha Latypova - Whistleblower - Covid Injections - Department of Defense - Bio Weaponnonvaxer420
2 years agoDr. William Makis - Calling For Inquiry into 90+ Doctor Deaths and Exposing Government Corruptionnonvaxer420
2 years agoScientist, Nobel laureate, and PCR inventor Dr. Kary Mullis rips apart the Climate change/Global warming hoax:nonvaxer420
2 years agoGerman Autopsy Report Attributes Three Sudden Deaths to Covid-19 Shot: Dr. McCulloughnonvaxer420
2 years agoDr. 'David Martin' The 'W.H.O' Are Programming The Public To Accept A Global Genocide Of Humanitynonvaxer420
2 years ago2 NJ Councilmembers Murdered In 1 Week, Univ. Of Delaware Evacuated, NJ Township Switches PartiesWE ARE THE NEWS (WATN)Verified
2 years agoDr. Paul Marik explains the dangers of a buildup of spike protein in the body, from inflammation to autoimmune disease. “The spike protein is probably one of the most toxic proteins the human body has ever seen.”nonvaxer420
2 years agoNurse Warns Expecting Mothers: Internal Hospital Email Shows Massive Increase in Baby Deathsnonvaxer420