15 days ago16 Christmas Hotline! Leave a message, and you'll get a reply with a smileSignorMondoMatti
15 days ago17 I'm leaving right away... but where did I put my brain? The voicemail's behind you!SignorMondoMatti
15 days ago19 Between ambition and contemplation: leave your message! Original voicemail.SignorMondoMatti
15 days ago20 You've reached the genius: leave your message and wait for the miracle!SignorMondoMatti
4 months agoTrumps Been S-Elected For Now! Watch For 3rd & Final Assassination Before Dec17thAetherMedia22 Tony Punch
5 days agoIs It Still Conspiracy 'Theory'! META Myrtle Beach Is On Fire, The Site Of The Next Big Smart City!AetherMedia22 Tony Punch
13 days agoThe Rise of a Global Satanic Empire; America's Role! End Times ProductionsAetherMedia22 Tony Punch
6 days agoData Base Exposing Corrupt Cops Has Just Been DELETED Guess Who Did it!? Brian, HeresTheDealAetherMedia22 Tony Punch
4 months agoRewriting History! Internet Archive WayBackMachine Hacked! Who Would Have The Motive To Do That!?AetherMedia22 Tony Punch