There's Only So Much You Can Learn in One Place. The More That I Wait The More Time That I Waste! Life's Gonna Drop You Down Like The Limbs Off a Tree. It Sways and it Swings UNTIL IT MAKES YOU SEE. —JUMP— | Madonna: Born 8/16/58 (Leo)
American citizens being replaced by foreigners who are being encouraged to go into the military. Where they will be used as tools of domestic political control. It's much easier to do that with foreigners than it is with people who grew up here.
Friday Night LIVESTREAM with Mike and Josh: Trump/Dr. Phil Interview (Round 2 Reaction) + Answering a Viewer’s [Esoteric-Based] Question Which Asks “Why Do Humans Seem to Get Sick Much Easier Than Animals?”
The New America: Origin Of The Illuminati | WE in 5D: This Information is Not for the Purpose of You Forgetting Who You Really Are. It's for the Purpose of Data Collection (No More, No Less) Which Brings You Closer to [OBJECTIVE] Truth.